Hey momma!!:) Thank you so much for the birthday wishes
again!!:) Everything is going great here in Puerto Natales. This last week
was really good here. We didn’t find any new investigators but we found Idee again
because she had just like disappeared for a week!! It was way cool to find her
and actually begin to teach her!:) We taught her about the Restoration and it
went really well. She really liked it and she committed to pray about it!:) We
are going to visit her again tomorrow so we will see how she is.
Also we have been working a lot with the less actives here
in Puerto Natales as well because there is about 545 people on the branch list
and only about 45 usually come to Church. So we have a ton of work to help out
with there. And usually working with less actives we find
"part-families" who someone hasn’t been baptized yet. So we can help
them with that!!;)
Also this last week on Tuesday I think we went and helped
papito a little in his work because he had a few workers quit and needed a
little help in his warehouse urgent. So we went and helped him for a while on Tuesday!:)
Also making sushi with Claudio last week went really good!!:) On Sunday we were
going to go make burgers and stuff with him for my birthday, but last second he
couldn’t so we are going to go today before we finish p-day to maybe do them
with him!!:) But overall it was a great week and great things are happening
Oh and also haha I have been doing a program called intermittent
fasting and I have dropped 7 kilos or about 15 pounds in 2 weeks!!:) haha It’s
great. I hope to continue and drop some more before I come home!!:)
Well I'm glad that you got the house all put back together this last week!!:) but oh man that is not so great about Grandma... That kinda hit hard when I first read it, but I was thinking that I know it's hard, and I know I at least don't understand why this is happening, but then the scripture came to mind where God says... your ways are not my ways and my ways are not yours.... I know that God has a plan for her.
I love the thought that you gave from Elder Uchtdorf!!:) Thank you and that
reminds me a lot of his talk he gave about the 3 sisters!:) -- the thought I shared was actually from that talk :). My thought this week is 1 Cor 10:13. I love this scripture
and I found it this last week in my studies. It’s so true how God will never
let us be tempted above our ability to support it, especially with His help.
Sometimes we just have to remember who we are and the power that comes with
that knowledge that we really are CHILDREN OF GOD, and the divinity that
Love you to infinity and beyond momma hope that you have an
amazing week!!:) Love you and talk to you soon!!:)
Elder Shawners!:)
Chocolate raspberry birthday cake!! :) |
Our apartment in Puerto Natales |